TheraFUS Lab

FUS-aided anticancer drugs delivery

Our lab explores novel treatments for brain tumors based on focused ultrasound (FUS)-technology augmenting innovative anticancer drugs delivery. Indeed FUS, in conjunction with intravenously administrated microbubbles, is able of temporary permeabilize both the blood-brain and the brain-tumor barriers (BBB and BTB, respectively), facilitating the access of therapeutics into tumors.

Technological facility includes:

  • a motorized system for control and target BBB/BTB opening in mice, rats and rabbits;
  • transducers for transcranial acoustic signals transmission and detection;
  • a monitoring system of MBs activity ensuring safety to the permeabilization protocols;
  • a system for monitoring animals physiological state.


The laboratory works synergically with the CIMETA center (Interdepartmental Center for Comparative Medicine, Alternative Techniques and Aquaculture) of the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

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